Monday, February 23, 2015

Blog Post 6 : Where Have You Seen A Character Like Oedipus Before?

WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG:Segment 6 Where Have You Seen A Character Like Oedipus Before? 

                                                 Who Is Oedipus?


  • he is a king
  • he is lazy
  • he doesn't care for anyone but himself at the moment 
  • he has a brother 
  • he made his brother CREON do his dirty work
  • he is greek
  • he solved a riddle to make himself king
  • probs a victim of killing someone 
  • he might have a curse on him for solving that riddle *cough cough*

Where Have You Seen A Character Like Oedipus Before? 

i have seen a character like Oedipus in real life and in a book that i was reading call "Princess In the spot light". i have seen a person like Oedipus back when i was in middle school and she was like miss popular ( really ) and she had a brother too and she would black mail people because she had did a favor for one of my good mates and due to that favor ( it was a big favor : copying her math homework) that she had done. she had helped my mate with this huge favor. Next its the new semester miss popular made someone do her dirty work on doing her science homework because the science teacher was really strict ( he would give you a big fat zero in front of your face and in front of the whole class. but of course she got what she  wanted. In the book "Princess In the spot light" the protagonist  soon to be step father was just like oedipus he was about to be a king because the  protagonist mother husband died and she was looking for love instead of a riddle the man won her heart kinda like love at first sight (no pun intended : Romeo and Juliet). but this man was just so unbearable he was so lazy and you tell him to do something he will do it but he will make someone else do it and then he would take credit for it.

Signing Out: PCWC (Pop Culture With Christina)

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