Monday, March 2, 2015

Blog Post 9: How does Oedipus’s response to Creon change the Chorus’s attitude towards Oedipus in lines 626–628?

Welcome Back To My Blog ! : Segment 9  How does Oedipus’s response to Creon change the Chorus’s attitude towards Oedipus in lines 626–628?

Who is Creon// whats going on between Oedipus and Creon;

  1. Creon is the oldest of Oedipus and Jocostas children.
  2. he is a somewhat wise person
  3. he HAD a lot of respect for his little brother Oedipus 
  4. Oedipus got really upset with Creon because he thinks that Creon took sides with the seer (Teiresias) because Oedipus doesn't know if this seer guy is a fraud. 
  5. Creon is feeling a type of way because he thought that him and Oedipus were cool but after Oedipus just came up to the palace and said what he had to say and didn't let Creon state his point!
What Will Happen To Creon , The Chorus , & Oedipus

Based on lines  626-628 you could see that Oedipus wasn't to pleased to have an encounter-ment with Creon. as stated in the document it states that Oedipus said that "There's one thing you do not have to tell me - that you have not done wrong" based on this line you could see that based on the news that Oedipus received he thinks that Creon has something to do with it and everyone (the chorus) doesn't know whats going on ( such as knowing whether or not Oedipus knows whats going on to stop this madness in the town , who killed the king, and will their be any good to come ). The chorus attitude  change because they start to grow this huge confusion on whats going on and suspcsion because they don't know whats going because Oedipus doesn't know what to tell these people because he is still trying to figure out whats going on.

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