Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Blog Post 13 : The End Of Oedipus & The Prophecy .... AND Drama

Welcome Back To My Blog ! Segment 13 : The End Of The Whole Play & Tie It Up 

Based on the lines :1423–1431 and 1462–1547 you can see that their was a lot of terror that happens. we wasn't expected that kind of tragic semi ending in the play. First in the play we can see that Jocasta did something un-bareable! she committed suicide because all of this drama was to much for her to handle. Oedipus walks in and see's his mother/wife just hanging their not knowing what to do. based on this he is just speaking to her/himself. he is basically apologizing for everything that he had caused all he wanted to do was help and making everything go right. Oedipus was determined to do it all and get answers . but that didn't happen all at once the way he wanted ,because he was cooped up with finding out this family affair business. But the curse that the seer was speaking about was true because 1) Oedipus found out that his wife was his mother 2) he will be blind ( because he jabbed his eyes out with Jocasta Brooches ). Oedipus had a lot of self deception in hims self through out this play thats why people pitted him for a lot of thing and why nobody wanted to take him seriously. that was my out-takes for the lines 1423-1431 & 1462-1547.

Stay Tuned Next Time ...  Signing Out PCWC 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Christina you are my partner in class for the blog and I read your summery I'm about to do mine but u think yours was great 😁👏
