Monday, March 9, 2015

Blog Post 11: What Relationship Does Sophocles Establish Between Prophecy And Oedipus’s Actions?

Welcome Back To My Blog ! Segment : What Relationship Does Sophocles Establish Between Prophecy And Oedipus's Action?

Words To Think About: In Greek Mythology 

  • Prophecy: A Prophet or Prediction

Who is Sophocles ? he isn't in this story matter of fact he is not even a character   because is basically the author and creator of this dramatic twisted story. Throughout the story Sophocles establishes these things about Oedipus and the towns people it started off like this .... because Oedipus was this played back , laid back type of king but theirs a lot of drama and with this drama he didn't know what was going on. But now putting the pieces together based on Oedipus sad  back round he wasn't a king before that  he was running away from something that was bothering him utterly. But what the relationship Sophocles establishes  between Oedipus and the prophecy actions is that Sophocles makes Oedipus this dramatic king who goes through a lot of irony because you would have thought since he is a king everything would go so well for him but it it the total opposite of it. Oedipus wanted to help his Prophecies but with all this drama he can't even focus on them and with these actions. Oedipus fails to know what to do  he is trying to balance work for his town and the prophecies but he by doing this job trying to "help" he ends up finding out these things and gets more worried about that then actually trying to figure out whats going on ( but that clearly doesn't work) The prophecy can't really have any actions into this because they are oblivious to even  speak up to whats going on because they think Oedipus is this all mighty king and everything will go back to pretty flowers and sunshines. But with that people are dying, mothers aren't having their children ... its basically a big mess in this story.

What will happen to the prophecy ? will Oedipus ever help his town & find out the truth ?

Signing Out PCWC 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you when you say, "Sophocles establishes [a relationship] between Oedipus and the prophecy actions making Oedipus this dramatic king who goes through a lot of irony" because everything he does in opposition of the prophecies leads him to them!

    Remember, the greeks interpretation of irony is: the audience knows, but the characters don't. So we have to sit back and watch as Oedipus destroys lives around him, including his family's.

    I thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs, they are so lovely and insightful! Remember, read before you post, check for typos, or grammatical mistakes. Thank you for the images and graphics that you post along with it! I'm impressed.

    :) Ms Moccia
