Saturday, April 18, 2015

Ethos ,Pathos, Or Logos ?

Vocabulary You Should Know !

Ethos: is an appeal to ethics and means of convincing someone of the character.  good or bad or moral  right or wrong 

Pathos: is an appeal to emotion and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response.

Logos: tells  us about  appeal to logic and is a way of persuading an audience by reason is science/ fact

Lets Play ! : Ethos , Pathos , Or Logos !

this pictures is representing Pathos because the album is persuading you to buy it so you get into the feels after a breakup and relate to all of the  songs on the album with a  big tub of ice cream ,what did you do wrong for him to break up with you. :( 

this picture is representing Ethos because it is convincing the audience to buy the shampoo cause Marilyn uses it so it has to be good.

this picture is showing logos because it is showing how you could changed the world .

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