Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Welcome To Magical Realism World

Words to know before you read:

What is magical realism?

    a literary or artistic genre in which realistic narrative and naturalistic technique are combined with surreal elements of dream or fantasy.

    If you’re the child of the 90's or the early 2000's you might know some classical books, childlike show, and movies that show magical realism. One of my favorite books that show's magical realism would be "One hundred years of solitude" this story of the rise and fall of the mythical town of Macondo through the history of the family. The isolated town of Macondo and of the family who founds it, the Buendias. For years, the town has no contact with the outside world, except for gypsies who occasionally visit, peddling technologies like ice and telescopes. The patriarch of the family, Jose Arcadio Buendia, is impulsive and inquisitive. He remains a leader who is also deeply solitary, alienating himself from other men in his obsessive investigations into mysterious matters. through-out the story the character traits are inherited by his descendents throughout the novel. His older child, Jose Arcadio, inherits his vast physical strength and his impetuousness. His younger child, Aureliano, inherits his intense, enigmatic focus. Gradually, the village loses its innocent, solitary state when it establishes contact with other towns in the region. 

    Monday, May 25, 2015

    What Is Your Opinion On SweatShops

    Hey You ... Yea You What Do You Think About This Image ?

    1.  do you think that they should  pay the factory workers more money for their hard work or give them better conditions such as food, homes , better living standards, and their passports?
    2. should big managements pay more attention to whats happening in the factories and get factories input to make it a better place to function in?
    3. if you were a factory worker would you speak up for yourself & your fellow workers no matter the consequences are ?

    Tuesday, May 19, 2015

    Extra Extra ! Read It In Four Directions ...

    Zayn Malik Breaks Silence Following One Direction Spilt.

    By: Brittany Spanol ( Rolling Stones News ) 

    Link >: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/zayn-malik-breaks-silence-following-one-direction-split-20150327

    EXTRA ! EXTRA ! Read all about the one direction drama and hear what really happened here while i question Brittany Spanol.

    Probing Assumptions ,Probing Rationale ,  & Viewpoint:

    1. You seem to be assuming Brittany that Zayn Malik  didn't feel like he was meant to be in the band for the past 5 years.
    2. Please explain how Zayn actual felt not describing in how you felt but how HE felt.
    3. why did Zayn want to leave other than him saying  he needs time for himself to live as  22 years old.
    4. how did the other band mates felt when he had left.
    5. what would you say about this happening to the fans and the business owners and their reactions towards this.
    6. how is this situation different other big hit bands and their break ups.
    7. another way of looking at this is Zayn seemed to be not too happy about being in the band during OTRA Tour back in the middle of 2015. does this seem reasonable 
    8. what do you think causes Zayn to feel this way was it because of fans , not enough pay , or he was just over with his mates.
    9. do you think its because of the crazy fans 
    10. do you agree/disagree with Zayn's decision to leave the band, was it worth leaving to lose a fan base , money and losing 4 great band mates.

    Wednesday, May 13, 2015

    Who Bears The Most Responsibility For Ensuring The Clothes Are Ethically Manufactured

    Vocabulary You Should Know :

    • Manufactured : verb
      past tense: manufactured; past participle: manufactured
    make (something) on a large scale using machinery.

    Who do we blame ? Who bears the most responsibility ?

         if you're an average consumer there is a good chance you shop at affordable places like Forever 21 , H&M , Zara , and many other shopping places. But  who bears the most responsibility for ensuring the clothes are ethically manufactured? i believe its everyone's fault because at the end of the day their will be some type of flaw that would happen. i believe it is everyones fault because the workers can't stand up for themselves and if they do they won't be able to take of their families , or they might get abused by their boss. which leads to the people who are actually manufacturing the companies. the bosses are to worked up on the money and not caring really for the factory workers and not how the companies actually are , also  not caring what the consumer has to say about the clothes they are buying and the condition it is in. next i blame the consumers they just care about the clothes and not knowing what type of hardship it has been through. the consumer might know what is going in the factories and put their foot down to what is happening in these  countries and how their pay is going. lastly i blame the state and the people who are letting this happen. i blame these people because they are not paying the factories workers enough and not caring about the state the factories are in. they are very selfish and care about the money they are receiving from the foreign countries they manufacture for.

    Who do you blame ?? 

    Sunday, May 3, 2015

    Whats Your Claim?

    Whats Your Claim ?

    Vocabulary You Should Know:

    1. 1
      state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
      "he claimed that he came from a wealthy, educated family"

    Have you ever taught about why people like crime or seeking to find someone to blame after a crime is done? well i have! in my essay i will be explaining why people are so entertained with crime and adding a touch of Mosely to it. what drew me to this type of argument is everyday we see on social media , the news , and right in front of our faces a crime and the crime could be so harsh and cruel and people just sit their and watch the crime happen. i maybe could come up with a quick synomptous why people want to watch crime for an entertainment. when you read my essay it might just blow you off your seat while reading knowing why people do this type of thing. i will have you thinking are these people just sick out their mind or do they want to blame someone for posting it when they should be blaming themselves for watching it.

    Saturday, April 18, 2015

    Ethos ,Pathos, Or Logos ?

    Vocabulary You Should Know !

    Ethos: is an appeal to ethics and means of convincing someone of the character.  good or bad or moral  right or wrong 

    Pathos: is an appeal to emotion and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response.

    Logos: tells  us about  appeal to logic and is a way of persuading an audience by reason is science/ fact

    Lets Play ! : Ethos , Pathos , Or Logos !

    this pictures is representing Pathos because the album is persuading you to buy it so you get into the feels after a breakup and relate to all of the  songs on the album with a  big tub of ice cream ,what did you do wrong for him to break up with you. :( 

    this picture is representing Ethos because it is convincing the audience to buy the shampoo cause Marilyn uses it so it has to be good.

    this picture is showing logos because it is showing how you could changed the world .

    Tuesday, April 14, 2015

    Let's Play A Game : Good Cop , Bad Cop

    Sylvia Liken 

    A young 16  year old girl named Sylvia Liken was at the breaking point of threats that ended her life at her young age. she was  a young beautiful girl who nobody had a problem with, and people didn't even really know. her parents always had to work so it was just her and her sister. then word came around during the 1960's  about this defensive young girl.their was a vicious lady named Gertrude Baniszewski she was very mean and unforgivable  to the  poor girl Sylvia. she would make people in the neighborhood , and her own children to  shun Sylvia, beat her till she can't take it anymore , and even things you wouldn't imagine a human being could do. Sylvia wasn't able to go back to school anymore  because of a broken wrist . Gertrude Baniszewski daughter Paula ( 17 years old ) broke Sylvia wrist by one punch.Sylvia had tried to escape the hell hole that she was in but she had to stop this master plan that she had because Gertrude Baniszewski made it clear that she didn't want her to leave cause she had a trick up her sleeve if she did try to escape or not :  Gertrude Baniszewski would have blind-folded and dump her body at Jimmy Forest. After serval months Gertrude Baniszewski went to jail and denied all her authorities.  Gertrude Baniszewski was messed up in the head she denied EVERYTHING and blamed her children for doing this crime  to Sylvia. on May 19th 1966 Gertrude Baniszewski was conviced f 1st degree murder , so did her children as well. Gertrude Baniszewski was spared in the death penalty sentenced to life imprisonment. was this really fair ? A young girl died and she made her children take part in this mischievous crime. Sylvia was an innocent girl with a future ahead of her , but was ruined by a women that didn't have reason.